Wishing you all a merrily festivious time and a fantabulous New Year!
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
The First Of The Snows, Kielder Duathlon, 2nd December 2012
Hey there you lot, here's a wee report from the Kielder Duathlon, and oh boy was it cold!
Hello Mr Snow! So after a week in the Cairngorms walking in the snow it set me up nicely for a Winter Wonderland race further north come Sunday!
Where's Santa.....?
While having a nervous pee-stop by the side of the road near Bellingham (when you gotta go, you gotta go!), I spotted a sheep stuck in the bush riving around all distressed so got the lads out the car to help set it free (after I'd peed and made myself presentable again naturally!). We managed to clip away the thorns stuck in its back with a pair of cable cutters and that sorted out our good deed for the day!! :D
Arrived at Kielder and met with, yet again, lots of lycra-clad bodies stretching and getting themselves all prepped. Sorted our numbers out and then realised I had forgotten my bag, pump and spare inner tubes, oopsies, what an utter clot! Thankfully after some wangling I managed to borrow some in the end and strapped them to my bike with duct tape!
10am came and my running partner Mary set off on the first stint, a 7km run up Deadwater Fell! Steve's running partner Chris was well up for it this time, after coming 4th last time both him and Steve had something to prove!
Up the winding climbs of Kielder's Deadwater Fell, brrrrrrrrr.......
Chris came back in a time of 42 mins and Steve was quickly away on the bike, overtaking people straight away. We're pretty used to riding in the snow so was quite excited about it! Mary came in a little later and I was chomping at the bit to get out there, off up the hill climb to start passing people pushing up the icy track.
Next was a little descent, catching people all the time which gives you a great amount motivation! The organisers had even put in a lovely steep uphill muddy-assed push in the woods, I mean what was that all about? Anyway, got to the top where my legs started to wake up and feel stronger, I forced myself to stay in the harder gears and just push through the pain.
Don't let them catch you Chris.....!
Next was a little descent, catching people all the time which gives you a great amount motivation! The organisers had even put in a lovely steep uphill muddy-assed push in the woods, I mean what was that all about? Anyway, got to the top where my legs started to wake up and feel stronger, I forced myself to stay in the harder gears and just push through the pain.
Snow? What snow? Angie stays on the gas.....
20km in 1hr27mins later, I was passing the dibber back to Mary and off she went for the last 6km. I went to see Steve who was stood near the track warming himself back up with a cup of hot coffee! He told me his bike bit had gone well, got held up a little on the singletrack sections but gruelled out the fire roads as much as he could. He completed it in a time of 1hr 13mins, not too shabby!
Steve aboard his 29'er, giving it some welly.....
Not long after Chris came in looking pretty fresh and they found out they had finished 3rd out of all the teams. Get in there, whoop!!
Mary was next and we cheered her on through the last section, she sprinted the last 20 metres to keep her position from some guy which was good to see! We took the 3rd place in the women's teams too, bang on!
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Just another muddy day at Hamsterley...
....and Steve got his team tops for the winter! Next season's racing tops will be debuted at the start of 2013.
Steve and Nick looking rather chuffed after a mud-fest of a morning....
(How Steve managed to keep that top clean still remains a mystery!)
Saturday, 24 November 2012
All Aboard the Whinlatter Duathlon, 11th November 2012
How goes it you guys? Got another blog for y'all.....
A few months ago Steve talked me into the idea of competing in the High Terrain Events Duathlon Series which consists of four off-road bike and run races stretching out over the winter months. The first one being at Whinlatter in the North Lake District. The race can be done as a team relay or as a solo event so I decided to team up with my close friend Jenni Campbell and Steve was with his pal Chris Dunn. Both of our friends did the 13k run whilst we rode the 18k.
The day before Jenni and I had been caving and after walking through tunnels for 3 hours hunched over like Gollum from the 'Lord of the Rings', it might not have been our best idea but hey-ho, nothing a bag of Jelly Babies couldn’t put right!
Jenni & Angie somewhere in the caves deep underneath the North Yorkshire fells...
None of us had ever done a Duathlon event before and so we were all unaware of what to expect and how really best to approach it, nice to do something new though!
Racing began at 10am on the Sunday, there were about 180 entries and it did feel a bit weird looking around and not knowing anyone. We were used to being at DH/Enduro events where we know everyone and could look around and know who is fast and who isn’t, who’s been training and who hasn’t, but here we were totally oblivious! The runners went off first, Jenni and Chris had been doing some good training leading up to it. Jenni is in a running club and I knew I could count on her to set a good time, similarly with Chris he’s got the world’s longest legs so one stride and he was round the course…
Steve was 29'er mounted, wagon wheels ahoy....
The first run was 7.5k and we were expecting to see the runners at around the 40min mark, in they came and passed us the dibbers, there was only 1 minute between them both. We grabbed our bikes and ran to the start line, jumped on and set away up the first hill. Steve was overtaking people left, right and centre, cutting into berms. I got stuck behind some dude on the first section and had to brake hard over some sharp rocks giving me an instant flat!!! My god I was so angry! I began changing my tube but had no tyre levers…arrggghhhh! Trying to prise the tyre off the rim with my freezing cold finger tips was awful, eventually I did it as people were passing me shouting things like “ bad luck mate” aye, you're telling me, grrrrrr! I pumped it back up to 50PSI to make sure it didn’t happen again as I had no inner tubes left!
Don’t think I sat down in my seat for the rest of the ride as was adamant to try and make up some time. I soon began passing people and have to give my apologies to guy who fell off his bike and then down the hillside after allowing me to overtake, sorry stinky! A few minutes later a sharp climb appeared so I shoved my gears down but ended off snapping the lever, oh balls! I was now stuck in a hard gear for the rest of the ride, good job I wasn’t wanting to sit down much cos I had no choice now! The route took us around the blue route and then the south red loop. Towards the end came a stinker of a hill climb, having no gears I just couldn’t push any harder without snapping my chain, or my legs for that matter, so I got off and pushed my bike up as quick as I could, my calves felt like they were going to snap trying to cramp up.
Taking no prisoners......
Last descent into the finish where Jenni was waiting, I handed her the dibber and she ran off like a bullet, I think she knew there must have been a problem. Steve was already back and changed, waiting for Chris to get back. He had a great ride admitting he could have gone harder, but was scared to push it as he was not used to racing that kind of distance. When Chris came in after a great second run we got the results, they had finished 4th in the men’s teams. Woop! For their first ever duathlon event I think it's fair to say they should be pretty happy!
Next in came Jenni with a very close time to Chris, about 36mins for the 5.5k which apparently went straight up the hillside and then, steeply, straight back down. We got our overall results and were 2nd in the womens teams not too far of the winners. Very happy with that considering the troubles, I wasn't expecting to place so highly.
Next Duathlon is at Kielder Forest in a few weeks and we are both super excited to get stuck in…Steve is on ebay now buying the lycra! Now back to that bag of Jelly Babies....
Angie & Steve
Up hill and down dale, the Kilburn Kanter Fell Race....
As the rain falls incessantly outside, summer seems such a long time ago....
Here's Angie's blog update from the Kilburn Kanter Fell Race.
Having not ran out on the fells since April last year I thought it would be a good idea to enter a 24-mile fell race, just for the craic!
With just two weeks to train you could find me in the evenings out there on the moors with some three to ten mile runs, oh and the odd eight mile walk! Managed to pull my groin muscle as well so had a semi-limp going on for the week leading up to it, no smutty jokes from you lot thank you!
Angie in training, well, posing on the fells....
My dad fell races all year round and it’s something I like to do over the winter, on one side it keeps me fit in the off-season and on the other I get to share something with my father. This time I decided to do the race with Steve’s mum, Mary, she does quite a bit of running as well but mainly road and trail over shorter distances. As you can probably tell this was going to be a challenge for both of us!
Angie and Mary
The route was down in the North Yorkshire Moors starting from Kilburn, a wee village near Thirsk (and not to be confused with the place in London!), the scenery in North Yorkshire is absolutely amazing all year round. Both of us wanted a good night's sleep before the event so we booked into a friendly B&B aiming to be as fresh as possible for an 8am start the next day. We awoke to a frosty morning and it looked set to be a beautiful day. Our breakfast of porridge was soon down the hatch, got our numbers sorted out, kit check done and off we went. There were about 150 people doing it with a mix of runners and fast walkers. Following the route with our map and description across the Hambleton Hills hoping we wouldn’t get lost, I have to say that it’s bloody hard to navigate and run at the same time!
It had been raining hard all week leading up to the race, it was heavy going in some places with mud and clag all up your legs weighing your feet down. Great slippy fun but I love being up to the eyes in mud! It makes it more exciting!
We came across the first checkpoint, got our tally card stamped, grabbed a quick drink and carried on. It’s best not to stop at all if you can help it as you lose time, annoyingly people might overtake and you end up stiffening up. Once past the six mile mark we knew we were a quarter of the way around. Passing some more check points further on we struggled with our navigation losing track of where we were. After some dithering around it was best to back-track and head back on to the Cleveland Way, phew! We lost about ten minutes and ran an extra mile, god dammit!!
The halfway mark loomed, 12 miles in and still feeling relatively fresh, we both grabbed a Mars bar which gave us a bit of a second wind. Mary was struggling with food as she’s not used to running and eating. I like to think of it as an excuse to eat a bit more so down the cake hole it went! Mmmmm, chocolate!
Even though the second half had more hills it psychologically felt as though it was all be going to be downhill, errr..... nope! There was 3,500ft of ascent and most of it was all in the second half.
We passed some amazing scenery by Lake Gormire and then ascended a steep, and by that I mean a totally lung-busting steep-ass single-track climb up onto Sutton Bank Top. My dad likes to call this the 'Cardiac Attack Hill' and the last checkpoint was at the top.
The beautiful Lake Gormire, Photo by Alan AKA The Tall Guy
We passed some amazing scenery by Lake Gormire and then ascended a steep, and by that I mean a totally lung-busting steep-ass single-track climb up onto Sutton Bank Top. My dad likes to call this the 'Cardiac Attack Hill' and the last checkpoint was at the top.

Sutton Bank Top, scenery doesn't get much better than this. Photo reproduced with the very kind permission of Adrian Ashworth, http://www.adrianashworth.co.uk
Took a quick swig of juice and then just three miles left along the cliff top past the famous White Horse at Kilburn – we felt like jumping on its back and hitching a ride back by that point! A young couple were on our tail and pushed it on a bit faster! Our legs at this point were getting a bit sore and we couldn’t wait to finish!
The White Horse of Kilburn
Finally we were running back along the road into Kilburn, handed in our tally cards and got our finish time of 5hrs and 52 mins. I reckon that’s not bad considering we got lost and hadn’t really done any practice, a nice jump in at the deep end I’d say and I can’t wait to do another one!! Bring on the winter running….
At the end of the event, Mary's poor feet....
Hope all is well out there with you guys,
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
A very happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends and supporters, hope the birds and the pumpkin pies went down well over there! :)
Thursday, 15 November 2012
New Rider Launch Countdown Commences..... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... We Have Lift Off.....
I have been looking into expanding the team for a while now, it has been incredibly difficult due to the international financial meltdowns as of late, the knock-on effect being that the team's sponsors all cut back as a direct result. I will openly admit that 2012 has been a struggle, but we've got through it, we've done bloody well for ourselves considering. Sorry to bang my own drum here but both Angie and Nick have been amazing this past season. As well as plenty of podiums along the way, Angie kicked arse on her first Megavalanche event and Nick pulled off the Northern Champs title, this all deserves some raised glasses in my books! Coming into the off-season, each rider's training is already well underway and we're lumbering up for 2013 to kick off good and proper....so, do I make the jump with a new rider?
Oh hell yes! I've bitten the bullet and taken on a new enduro rider and despite his still young years he's actually an old hand on the race scene having raced downhill competitively since the early 90's. Shall I just get straight on with it and put you all out of your misery?!
OK, well here's the main clue:
Photo copyright of Disney/Pixar
Have you guessed yet?
OK, OK, OK, I'll get on with it, I would like to introduce you all to Stephen 'Seagull' Foster.
Photo courtesy and copyright of Ian Linton
Seagull's going to be flying The Development's colours on both the UK's and European Enduro racing series, he'll also be dabbling with the odd downhill race too. He placed 6th overall on the British 2012 Full Gravity Enduro series after only three rounds and a respectful 85th at the Alpes d'Huez Megavalanche, considering it was his first Mega, that's damned good. He's pushing for the top 40 next year mind you!
Taking in the scenery whilst practising the Megavalanche course
What's that you say? You want to see him in action? Hmmmmm? Oh, OK then, here's a wee video put together by Mr Tiplady:
Stephen has always lead a very active outdoor adventure sports lead life, it is quite literally in his blood, having spent several years as a snowboard instructor around the globe he can also be found surfing the waves and climbing up cliff faces.
I'm very excited about next season, I know for a fact that Stephen's going to settle into the team perfectly what with already riding regularly with both Angie and Nick.
Photo courtesy and copyright of Ian Linton
A very big "WELCOME ABOARD!" Stephen, now let's all get back out there and kick some ass!
Photo courtesy and copyright of Ian Linton
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Northern Downhill Series, Kielder Forest, 20th-21st October 2012
Thought I would get you all the low down on the Northern Downhill's Kielder weekender, here we go....
As some of you may be aware I came into this season after losing my mojo and in between my injuries and crashing out I was pretty cut up with my results this year. Therefore I was determined to pull out all of the stops with the Northern Champs at Kielder Forest, it would have to be the place to redeem myself.
As has been the story throughout most of the race weekends this year it absolutely chucked it down on the Friday and Saturday! This was also a new track and not fully bedded in, I knew straight off that we were all in for a sloppy one! Unfortunately due to wrangling with the good old Forestry Commission the very top of the track was not going to be used for the race, it still left a three and a half minute course though and it certainly wasn't shabby! The NDH boys pulled out the stops with the amazing RedBull Rampage-style start ramp which rolled you off a high drop straight into the first shoot, excellent!
The top section was the biggest, gnarliest rock garden I've seen so far in the UK, this would be a real test my TF Tuned tweaked suspension and X-Fusion shock. The rock garden was incredibly physically demanding and caused a lot of riders a lot of issues, so much so a load of riders pulled out of racing altogether! I must add here that I have nothing but respect for Carl Davison and the Northern Downhill boys who put these courses together, it's not the first time they've had riders pull out due to so-called 'extreme' sections, however how are riders to progress in this sport if they are not being challenged by this terrain?
We did say it was muddy! Photo by Richard Easton
The track crossed into the woods which were quite dark with a lot of tricky roots to negotiate. The main trick at the bottom was keep your speed up and keep pedalling otherwise you got bogged down in the mud which became worse as the weekend progressed.
My first race run went half-decently with a few errors and one big stop in the slop which took a lot of effort to get going afterwards. I finished in third place with my first run, because of this I knew other people were struggling with the course's worsening conditions and I was keen on trying to go faster then the other two riders on my final run. From the start of the second run I was being thrown all over the place, it was really hard going, I did however stay steady, no stops, no stalls, just took it all as it came, the course was a complete mess of mud, roots and rocks. No-one bettered the times of their previous runs and I remained in third place, more importantly however I was the Northern Champion for 2012!
Photo by Stewart Dickson
The course conditions were damned tough, the combination of an unbedded in new track and the weather playing havoc! The bike however worked like a dream, I am over the moon with the X-Fusion shock, it came into its own, combined with the TF Tuned forks the whole suspension set up was incredibly supple across the weekend, couldn't fault it.
I would like to say a massive 'Thank You' to everyone who has supported me through the year:
Firstly and foremost Frank Wadelton for supporting me with his brilliant FB10 frames, the guy is a legend, a Mountain Bike Hall of Fame inductee and an all round lovely bloke, thank you so much Frank.
Then up in no particular order:
Hayes Brakes, Thomson posts and stems, Dave and the Burgtec boys, Urge Helmets, SDG Saddles, X-Fusion Shocks, e-13components chain guides, Pete and Darren at Silverfish, GoPro cameras, Sun-Ringle wheels, the guys at TF Tuned, The Cycle Jersey, Matt at Royal Racing, and last but by no means least Oury Grips.
Help for Heroes Race, Hamsterley Forest, 29th September 2012
The Development support the majority of races being held at Hamsterley Forest in County Durham, in the North-East of the UK. The team has a long standing connection with the forest, from building courses, assisting with hosting regional races such as the NEMBA and NAMBS races of old, up to the National Points Series races and everything else in between. The forest is the team's local training and riding area and as a result we were proud to be part of the Help for Heroes race weekend to raise not only cash for the charity but the public's awareness.
If you would like to know more about the work they do please see their website: http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk
Now, on with the racing, here's Nick....
If you would like to know more about the work they do please see their website: http://www.helpforheroes.org.uk
Now, on with the racing, here's Nick....
The Hamsterley Forest track has a good mixture in it, it's largely tree covered starting with a series of tight sections through the pine trees and then out over a drop into a swooping berms before hitting a rock garden to catch out the unwary. This is followed by a neat table top and a flat out sprint to the kicker jump that catapults you across the fire road crossing. Another rock garden keeps you on your toes and you're into the tight lines through the dark woods of the middle section, it's a tight squeeze in there!
Another road gap looms, hit it flat out and it's straight into the best section through a series of big rock gardens, the FTW frame was made for this type of course, it was just soaking it all up. Down over some off camber rocks you're spat back out into a flat out shoot which became progressively faster as practice progressed. After this it was the infamous S-bend into the drop towards the finish line.
Practice was great, the track was dry as a bone and the uplifts which were being run by the northern downhill guys ran like clock work, perfect!
The next day though was a different story, yeah you must have guessed it, it decided to rain all day! Having said that, the track still stayed pretty much the same, some roots and rocks got slippier but nothing to worry about, I kept the bike set up as per the previous day.
Photo by Richard Easton
My first race run was pretty much a steady one with a few slips and swears towards the end which meant I was a few seconds off the pace! It did however open up more lines to me so I made mental notes and was confident of what I needed to pull out of the bag with the race run.
I gave it absolute hell for leather on the race run and caught someone up at the road crossing, unfortunately it's damned tight in there and he couldn't hear me shouting at him, in the end I took my chance stook my elbows out and barged past. It was a top run and I was gutted, I knocked 4 seconds off my previous time and it will remain as a 'What if?' I finished in fourth place and it was a great weekend for a great cause.
Scottish Downhill Series, Round 5, Ae Forest 8th-9th September 2012
Lee here, still waiting for Nick to send me his write up from Ae Forest! In the meantime enjoy the photography!
Photo by Barry Primrose
Photo by Steve Wyper
Photo by Steve Wyper
Fetish Gravity Enduro Round 5, Dyfi, North Wales 8th - 9th September
Angie takes over the crib:
So this was the final round of the UK Gravity Enduro Series at Dyfi Forest in Wales. The venue hadn't been used before so everyone was keen to get a look-in and see what it was all about.
Steve and I travelled down on the Thursday night, we got there about 1am so pulled up in a layby on one of the windy narrow roads for the night - I'm pretty impressed that we survived to be fair! ;)
Got up fairly early on Friday morning and got set up in the field, it was a lush start to the day with a beautiful blue sky and the sun was just starting to peek its rays through. The bikes were soon sorted, had some brekky and hit the trails with the guys.
It started out on a big old fire-road, little did we know at this point that 98% of the climbs would be on fire-roads. Forty minutes later we were at the first descent, it was pretty short and absolutely flat out! Think scree, shale, loose greasy rocks with a good old gradient and you'll get the drift, literally! Another climb followed, this one was about fifty minutes up and out into the open with some gorgeous views of Cadaer Idris.

Taking in the views on Friday with the guys. Photo by Sarah Newman
Shot down a totally sweet fast descent, probably my favourite section, however I got a puncture in this stage on my race run, damn it! Back up another fire road for forty minutes which was followed by another cool descent ending on a super steep rocky spine. It felt as though I was in a different country at this point, the tracks were crazy, very Alpine. Another (yep, another one) fifty minute fire-road climb to the top of stage 4, and the top of this section was crackin', picture a steep drop into a stump filled city. Off camber, rocky, high lines with lots of roots, absolutely amazing! The middle of this section was not so good however, a steep climb and then a very pedally flat section where I got overtaken in my race run by a certain Miss Newman who seems to have legs with pistons in them!
As for the last fifty minute climb up to Stage 5, oooh I loved this one. You would have loved it Lee, pure old school-style across fields with flat grassy turns and just making what you could out of the land that was there. This was also the qualifying track, awesome!
After we had rode the track on Friday we got some good rest, managed to go to bed at 8pm and get a good 13 hours sleep in :)
Saturday was a scorcher, we practised track 1 and 5 and then made our way up for qualifying. I had a good run and got a 5th with some close times to the other girls.

Showing the lads how to do it. Photo by Dave Ward
Another 12hour sleep followed that night and Sunday morning was an early start. The girls set off at 9am. My legs were feeling OK up until Stage 3 when there was that middle section sprint, it was a killer having already sprinted through Stage 2.

Photo by Dave Ward
I ended up in 6th position overall. Not where I would have liked to be but it's my first year at Enduro and the Elite category is bloody hard! I'm working on my fitness more for next year and have already cut out the chocolate. Ouch!
Sunday night was party night, a good few glasses of red were downed, got drunk and was asleep by 9pm, what a lightweight, it was my birthday weekend after all! :)
British Downhill Series Round 5, Bringewood, 25th-26th August
I was really looking forward to this race event as I had been here a few times as a youngster and really enjoyed the course, it seems to have been off the main map for a while. It was quite a sodden track due to the previous week's heavy rainfall, it was pretty messed up at the top. The lower sections weren't too bad though due to the tree cover keeping the rain off, a schizo course!
Due to the state of the track I decided to put full mud spike tyres on. From the start you hit a few table tops, where I kept it nice n' low, these were followed by some relatively smooth corners the last of which spat you out into two tricky root-strewn off cambers. These improved over the weekend as a rut developed in them which made it easy to rail through. The track continued across a fire road and into an open section with a few bus stops, drops and jumps, this bit was the worst part in terms of mud and throughout the weekend it got thicker and thicker. The track then went back into the woods through pine needle covered tight, twisty and root-strewn sections between the trees.
Photo copyright of Ian Britton
The track's conditions were steadily improving until the mother of storms hit full on. The torrential downpours saw quite a few riders going back down in the uplift vehicles but the rest of us who were man-enough went down the track! It was as slippy as hell in the tree-lined sections, those glistening roots were there to catch everyone out and I must admit to laughing and whooping a fair few times as well! The rain was actually assisting the course conditions further down, helping to thin out the aforementioned thick mud sections, you could now hit this with aplomb, and splatter the spectators in the process, bonus!
Saturday practice went pretty damn well without any drama. The bike was working sweet and in particular the Hayes brakes were performing greatly considering the amount of gloop being thrown up which was leaving other riders with problems. I was also blessed with the awesome damping adjustment on the X-Fusion shock, got the bike really dialled in for the continually changing course conditions.
The track remained sodden all through Sunday so I kept the set-up the same, I took my early run nice and steady and lost a load of time in the open section where the mud had returned to its superglue-like consistency and I didn't want to waste all my energy. I knew that for seeding this was gonna be a killer sprint.
The only regret I had was not walking the track closer to my race run as the bottom section had dried up a lot and I would have benefited from a cut spike or even a dry tyre. My race run was flawless, I had nailed the sprinting sections, the bike was hammering it, it was all a perfect run. Came into the third final corner way too fast, clipped the big root on the entry and ended up getting too friendly with a large tree after my front wheel washed out! Totally frustrated as the rest of the run was absolutely bang on. The GoPro footage will be on its way soon.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Not ignoring you all....
.....in the middle of a house move, manically unpacking boxes and surrounded by mountains of bubble wrap....bear with me here......
Saturday, 20 October 2012
British Downhill Series 4, Caersws, 5th August 2012
Caersws is a short-course downhill track and that's certainly not a discredit as it's darned fast and keeps you on your toes. Due to the course's short nature the uplifts run really well so you can get plenty of runs in across the weekend.
Photo courtesy of Andy Whitehouse
Thunderstorms were being forecast for the Saturday which would make riding the course 'interesting' particularly the open grass covered drop into the finish line. The track was the same route as the previous year taking in the big jumps and the fast-as-hell bus stops, however as the weekend progressed huge braking bumps developed, having said that my X-Fusion shock equipped FB10 was taking it all in its stride, lapping it all up like a kitten with a bowl of cream!
Practise was good, kept my speed up all the way down on most of the runs until later in the day where I hit the tabletop jump a bit too hard resulting in being shot through the following series of s-bends into the lower woods at warp factor 90 where my front wheel washed out. I kissed the ground really hard, taking a good few fresh mouthfuls of loose dirt, lovely! Once the stars went out I had pain in my hand and wrist however a few good old painkillers soon sorted that out!
I decided to do one more practise run paying particular care to ensure there was no real damage to my wrist. On the way up I could see the approaching, and predicted, thunderstorm coming in, huge threatening voluminous grey clouds, it was quite a spectacular sight. I was just hoping upon hoping to get down the course before it hit full on, luckily I did!
Photo by Lucy Drees
After getting back to the pits and cleaning the FB10 the rains came and they were HEAVY! Most of the pits just stood there bemused watching it all fall from the skies. My thoughts turned to the course and the frustration that after some great practise runs it was now gonna be a wet race, but hey, that's mountain biking for ya, it keeps you fresh!
Sunday morning was pretty damp to say the least so the first run was a steady one. Where the ground had been really hard the previous day it had developed a layer of slime which would render a spiked mud tyre as useless, the grass section towards the finish line was also challenging. You had a really fast step-down into a 90 degree berm which shot you out across the off-camber grass section where you could feel your tyres twitching beneath you. From here it was foot-out-flat-out for a square right corner as the hill steepened and then the opposite foot-out through a left hander before hitting the finish line.
As the day progressed the track was drying out pretty well, by the time it came to my run it was more or less as dry as the previous day so I was pretty bloody happy about that! Just before my race run the heaven's opened and the torrential rain hammered down again. Racing was gonna be exciting no two ways about it, it was now a case of whoever could manage to stay on their bikes, yep, that's how bad it was!
My god, I took some sketchy lines on my run, scaring myself in places but I knew my bike could handle it. I shot into the section with the two flat out bus stops, death gripped the bars and tanked down, it was crazy, there was a river of water running down the track! Slammed myself around the roots in the lower sections, it was a 'do or die', I just cranked it up, hit it and hoped for the best, ended up being thrown all over but stayed upright! Made it to the field and tried to sprint which was a totally bad idea as the ground was just so sodden, the rear wheel was just churning gloop, spinning out and trying to high-side me. Once at the fast S-bend, I cranked it hard and it took, got my speed back up and hammered it to the finish line.
My god, I took some sketchy lines on my run, scaring myself in places but I knew my bike could handle it. I shot into the section with the two flat out bus stops, death gripped the bars and tanked down, it was crazy, there was a river of water running down the track! Slammed myself around the roots in the lower sections, it was a 'do or die', I just cranked it up, hit it and hoped for the best, ended up being thrown all over but stayed upright! Made it to the field and tried to sprint which was a totally bad idea as the ground was just so sodden, the rear wheel was just churning gloop, spinning out and trying to high-side me. Once at the fast S-bend, I cranked it hard and it took, got my speed back up and hammered it to the finish line.
I'm still laughing about my race run, it can only be classed as a wild ride, I mean how many races do you do in the middle of a thunderstorm, pure rock'n'roll! It wasn't a bad run to be honest, I know where I was being cautious and where I was getting on the gas. In hindsight I was off the pace, being overly cautious in sections where I should have just laid off the brakes and put my full trust into the FB10, those frames can take on anything. There were several people higher up the results that I normally beat and that little furry highly competitive animal inside me has hit back hard!
Photo courtesy of Daniel Armishaw
Once the season is over, I have Hamsterley Forest on my doorstep, there's training to be done and I'm going to get very MUDDY!!
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